Athena: The Goddess of Wisdom & War

Erin Evelyn




The Goddess Wisdom


Names: Athena (Greek), Minerva (Roman), Neith (Egyptian)


Crystals for Athena:  Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, Iolite, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz


Symbols: Owl, Olive Tree, Shield, Spear, Helmet



Who is Athena, The Goddess of Wisdom & War?


In ancient Greek mythology, Athena was one of the most important and revered deities. Known as the goddess of wisdom and war, she was highly respected for her intelligence, strategy, and bravery.


Athena was known for being a total warrior queen. She was strong, brave, and clever. Athena was just as good at fighting with weapons as she was coming up with battle plans. 


Even though she was known for her skills as a fighter, Athena was also all about knowledge and wisdom. Athena was known as the patron goddess of all kinds of crafts, like weaving, pottery, and metalworking.


The Origin of Athena


Athena is said to have been born from the head of her father Zeus, the king of Mount Olympus the gods residing there. Legend has it that Zeus swallowed his first wife Metis, who was pregnant with Athena, in order to prevent her from giving birth to a child who he feared might overthrow him. However, after suffering from a terrible headache, Zeus was convinced by Hephaestus to allow him to split his head open with an axe, revealing a fully grown and armored Athena.


From the moment of her birth, Athena was known to be a fierce warrior, revered for her great strength, courage, and intelligence. Athena was often depicted with a helmet and shield, and was said to have been a master of weapons and tactics. 


Athena was also known as the goddess of the city, representing the ideals of civilization and democracy. As such, she was highly respected by the people of Athens, who considered her to be their protector.


Athena was often depicted in art as a beautiful and imposing figure, with piercing eyes and a stern expression. She was revered by both men and women, and was often invoked in times of war or for guidance in difficult decisions. In fact, many ancient Greek leaders consulted the Oracle at Delphi, which was said to be the voice of Athena herself.


 Athena, the Patron Deity of Athens


One of Athena's most famous myths involves her rivalry with the god Poseidon over who would become the patron deity of Athens. According to the legend, the two gods competed to see who could provide the city with the most valuable gift. Poseidon struck his trident into the ground, causing a spring of salt water to gush forth. However, Athena created an olive tree, which was considered to be a more valuable and useful gift. As a result, Athena was chosen as the city's patron deity, and the people of Athens revered her as their protector and benefactor.


Athena, the Goddess of Crafting


Despite her warrior nature, Athena was also a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. She was considered the patron goddess of many crafts, including weaving, pottery, and metalworking. Athena was known to be a skilled weaver, often creating intricate tapestries that were considered works of art.



Invoke Your Athena Energy: Pick up a new crafting hobby as a form of self care. Sewing, embroidery, knitting, pottery, or even jewellery making are all Athena approved hobbies. 


In modern times, Athena remains an important figure in art, literature, and popular culture. She is often depicted as a symbol of intelligence, strength, and wisdom, and her name is often used in reference to these qualities. For many people, Athena remains a symbol of the enduring legacy of ancient Greece, and a reminder of the power of both wisdom and strength.


The Goddess Collection Necklaces | Love + Lark - Muse + Moonstone
Athena Necklace - Love & Lark


See Also:

Crystals for the Goddess Athena
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